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This is a heater for humming bird feeders, called the FeederHeater. This is a high-quality unit that any standard commercially-available hummingbird feeder can hang from.
FeederHEater with a common type feeder The FeederHeater keeps your humming bird feeder from freezing in cold weather (down to about 15 -20 degrees F., or 12 - 17 degrees below freezing.)
Although most hummingbird species migrate to warmer climes for the winter, some don't and need food to make it through the winter. The problem is that feeding them in sub-freezing temperatures is iffy at best; the sugar water or nectar mix they eat will freeze at just below the freezing point of water, keeping the hummingbirds from feeding and often breaking the feeder as well.
The feeder heater not only keeps the food liquid, it provides a space for the birds to warm themselves. As a nice bonus, the birds look incredible under the light; hummingbirds have iridescent feathers which explode in color under the light of the feeder heater!
Hummingbird under the FeederHeater!
FeederHeater unit
Note that your FeederHeater can be adjusted to warm the feeder better in cold weather. The chain can be pulled tight and hooked so that the feeder is much closer to the lamp. Your feeder gets MUCH more heat with even a small change in the distance between it and the lamp on the FeederHeater. In addition, if your feeder has a cord or other adjustable hanging apparatus, you can shorten it to further decrease the distance between the feeder and the chain. Properly set, the FeederHeater will keep food liquid even in very cold temperatures. So what do you do if it is below about 15 degrees F? At these temperatures, you should bring in the feeder at night and only put it out during the day.
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FeederHeater rigged for chilly weather; it could be brought up closer if desired.