Podcast Reviews:

Some Initial Notes: 

I have an Android phone, and use the "Dogcatcher" app (free) as my podcast aggregation app.  It's easy to use and has great search & update functionality.  For any of the podcasts below, just search for the name in your podcast app, it should come right up.

I broke the 'casts into three categories: those that require some specialized knowledge to follow, those technical but follow-able by anyone interested, and fluffy 10,000 ft information.

There is a company called "twit" (?) that is active in the market, they have some 24 technical podcasts ranging from fluff to pleasantly hard core.  There is a list maintained on a wiki here.  They all seem to have the same format, from two to N number of people discussing a topic with a fair amount of liberty to go into the weeds.  Those that go farther into the weeds may or may not be funny or enjoyable, depending on how you feel.  I tend to like those that stick to the subject and give me tech info I can use.  In any case, they are GREAT to listen to on car trips, much like audio books.

More technical, not everyone will be able to follow:

Security Now

This is run by Steve Gibson (when Leo shuts up) who has been around since dirt, has an in-depth understanding of his subject and he is capable of going (and sometimes does) deep into technical detail.  Occasional goes beyond computer security; for example on one 'cast he spent some time discussing buffer-control algorithms on routers.


Interesting vid cast (MP3 version doesn't seem to be up yet) that goes into the detail of hacking different tech, with each show or set of shows focusing on a specific piece of hardware or interface.  The most technical of the 'casts reviewed here.  Last three shows have been an increasingly detailed set of classes on hacking wireless, and they have gone into using wireshark and other tools.   Looks very good for those that are into this type of thing... and you know who you are.

Android Snacks

Weekly update on changes in the Android development world - compilers, IDEs, libraries, etc.  Can be difficult to follow, not something you want to listen to unless you are writing Android Apps.

Android Developers backstage

This podcast is actually run by Google Software Engineers, from the Android Tools Team in Google, wherein they discuss techniques, tools, etc, for developing Android Apps.  Can be even more useful because these are the people that write the Android OS code; they discuss how and why certain feature in Android work the way they do.  Very much recommended if you write Android Apps or you just want to know how the Android OS works the way it does and (sometimes even more useful) WHY.

Forensic Forecast

Good detail on what forensic computer investigators come up against.  These people seem to be the only ones left that are really interested or care about a detailed overview and understanding of computer software/firmware internals.  Not updated very often.

FLOSS weekly

Fairly deep delve into what for me (and I think for most people) is fairly esoteric, specific-purpose Linux software.  Example topics are OpenROV, PostgreSQL, imagefactory.

Know How

Each show focuses on a specific type of technology and how to set it up; one is setting up your own cloud, another on how to jailbreak or root your phone, another on flashing your router, etc  Helpful in that they suggest specific brands/models, and demonstrate how to use them to accomplish the task.  This is a TWIT show, available in 'cast or on twit.tv.  Know How is the easiest-to-follow of those in the "more technical" category.

AWS podcast

Talks about the Amazon Web Services universe.  This varies widely, sometimes is good technical discussion on an AWS feature, sometimes is just a talk between a moderator and a small business user explaining how they use AWS.

This week in enterprise technology

Interesting partly because the host/moderator is a "Father Robert Dallas (?) the Digital Jesuit", this cast focuses on new hardware/software/issues faced by corporate IT.  There is a tangent taken on some shows where they do a tech explanation of some tech; for instance one of the last ones was a technical description of the use of a tap. Other shows will bring in a software vendor to explain how his software product works.


Techie, but anyone could follow it:

This week in computer hardware (TWICH)

Good and detailed commentary on new computer technology; but it will also will branch out into phones and other technology devices.  Focuses on comparing new to existing products as opposed to detailed functionality, but occasionally goes into technical detail.

PC Perspective Podcast

Similar to TWICH, above, this takes maybe a bit deeper dive into whatever is being discussed, but is more narrowly focused on PC hardware. Video cards, uProcessors, hard drives, etc.  They can take more technical dives, and some of the product reviews go pretty deeply into new product testing and  benchmarks.

Windows Weekly

This podcast features two long-time reviewers of Microsoft's various software products, including the Windows, office, etc.  They are wired into Microsoft and have pretty good insights into upcoming/new features, release dates, and changes which can affect the less-than-casual user.  If you're a windows power user or an admin, this podcast could be for you.

This week in Android

Reviews about the latest Android phones and tablets, software and accessories.  They do comparison with existing phones/tablets/accessories, including Apple products.

Nature Podcast

Short podcast on specific topics in science.  Apparently related to the magazine "Nature" though the material is no where near as technical as that in the magazine.

This week in Google (TWIG)

Not just Google, focuses on the latest news and issues concerning cloud-based, consumer-focused companies like Facebook, Apple, Google, etc.

The tech fetish podcast 

The "Bros" snickering their way through recent tech news...  Skip this one.


Interviews with people who have done successful tech startups, tech journalists, etc.  Interesting if you find an interview of someone who knows something about a field you are interested in.  Latest interviews are Wil Harris, Jonathan Schwartz (Sun micro), Jonathan Abrams.


Fluff - topical; conversations about technology:

This week in tech (TWIT)

Ya, that's really the name.  Provides an overview of the week's technology news, focused on consumer technology.  Fluffy in comparison to the 'casts above, but wider coverage, it is one of the best "weekly summary of the tech news" 'casts that I've found.

The Verge

The "new guys on the block" weekly summary 'cast, it has some of the best breaking news but is way too informal and takes too many deviations into the personal lives of the hosts for me.


Fluffy; good if you have a general high-level interest in tech and you want basic concepts and definitions buy not in-depth technical details and discussion.

PC Pro

British show based off the magazine of the same name.  Discuss articles in the mag, general topics related to computer-based consume products and software

 Always On Show

This is a 'net show on its own webpage, not really a podcast.  A lightweight consumer products show for newbies.


Not reviewed yet:

General tech:

  1. webalert
  2. the gartner report
  3. technologyiq
  4. pauldotcom.com
  5. kenradio
  6. crankygeeks
  7. a series of tubes
  8. gadgetshow.channel5.com   Listed here because it aggrigates reviews under "reviews" menu. good.

IT focus:

  1. soundbytes.org/archives
  2. techtips.timtonllc.com
  3. pbs.org/cringely
  4. publicradio.org/columns/futuretense
  5. slashdotreview.com


  1. Iron
  2. Blackeye

Microsoft specific:

  1. dotnetrocks.com   (ya, right)
  2. hanselminutes.com
  3. channel9.msdn.com


  1. cyberspeak.libsyn.com

